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Monday, August 13, 2012

Rosie and Me

I'm back in Southern Italy, and before I got here my hubbie had "found" me a new friend . Her name is Rosella (I think that's Italian for Schwinn) and she's pink. Wow! He took her to the bike shop and got her all spiffed up with a new basket and everything! I call her Rosie. We're about the same age so we should have lots in common. (OK so she might be a couple of  years younger). We can go to the beach together cause he needs the car for work. (Somebody has to put food on the table in this family!)
 So we set out for the beach. Our very first obstacle, the ramp/stairs down to the main road from our building. No sweat, we just walked down slowly. Rosie wanted to go faster then me but I held her back.
 Then a few stairs, it's OK I carried Rosie she's not that heavy!
 Then we set out riding to the beach. We stopped along the way to take some pics of our journey. Rosie noticed this palm tree they had trimmed way down. We got a bid laugh out of it! She's so observant! (Gotta love those Italian women!)
 We passed the port where the ferries leave for Sicily.

 A little farther down, there's a little cove were they dock the nicer boats. We passed the grocery store, the church, the old men sitting on the bench having a big discussion. Everyone got out of our way as we were coming through, because Rosie's seat is REAL squeaky and they could hear us coming!  And we got a few looks from the guys, we still got it going on, Rosie and me! We couldn't stop to take pictures of everything, because Rosie couldn't wait to get to the beach.

 Finally we got to the beach and, wow, we practically had it all to ourselves!

 Rosie was such a good sport! She waited so patiently for me up on the street! Grazie, Rosie!  Now that's a true friend.

There was just a slight problem on the way back. Carrying Rosie up those steps and that ramp under the noontime sun! She had me burning some big time calories doing that, Mamma mia! But that's OK.......

because I had another little friend waiting for me at home his name is Chardonnay di Puglia.
He's also Italian, cool and dry with a great sense of humor. Good company for any meal. (Shhh we won't tell Rosie about him.) I think I'll be spending a lot of time with both my new friends this summer! Salute! A wonderful summer a tutti!

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